Goldie Hawn's Style Secret

Happy New Year!

As I was contemplating what to share, I came across this quote from several year's back. It really spoke to me as we enter into the New Year.

"There’s no outfit in the world that will be more head-turning than a woman who walks into a room with great energy," Kate Hudson told recently when asked what she's learned from her famous mother. "That’s what really makes people magnetic. When someone feels good about herself, is comfortable in her skin, and has inner strength, it doesn’t matter what she’s wearing. They become the most interesting person in the room."

Goldie Hawn's Secret

You may not be a Kate Hudson or Goldie Hawn but I know I love a woman with great positive energy and what she brings to a conversation.

As you look into the New Year maybe it's a change in how you express your inner self vs. what you're going to accomplish or achieve.

Personally, I love clicking the refresh button and beginning anew.

When I clicked the refresh button on December 31st, I chose the word ALIVE to guide me in 2019. For me, there's a lot of energy in the word ALIVE.

Maybe that is why the Kate Hudson quote spoke to me so loudly. 

When I chose the word ALIVE it fired me up to:

  • BE more of me. Share my voice, have fun, let go of the fear and inspire others. Do what lights me up!

You may or may not have lofty goals for 2019 on what you're planning to achieve, earn, do and have.

What decide to BE the woman who shows up with more energy?

What decide to BE the woman who's more purposeful with her wardrobe?

What decide to BE the woman who thinks more positively?

Refining who you BE doesn't cost you a dime but it could change how you see and feel about yourself from the inside out. And I guarantee others will feel your energy as you walk into the room. .

I BELIEVE there isn't a more powerful feeling than when your outfit truly expresses who you are. It represents everything you want to say without you speaking a word. ~ Annette Bond

#happy day

FUN STUFF coming in 2019!

  1. Style Chat via Facebook LIVE beginning Tuesday, January 15th - LIKE Definitive Style so you can receive a reminder notice (there will also be a replay)

  2. Instagram posts MAGNIFIED - Follow me #annettebond2

  3. Reveal Your Radiance Style Academy begins Tuesday, March 12th, more info to come. For the woman who wants to comprehend the ins and outs to creating the "perfect wardrobe"

  4. Style Confidence. Do You Have It? Join me for a fun and interactive workshop on Wednesday, January 30th from 5-7pm. Drinks and snacks will be served. Divalani Style Boutique, 16415 Southcenter Pkwy, Tukwila WA / Sign Up: Click Here

Cheers to coming ALIVE in 2019!

With Your Definitive Style in Mind,