Have You Lost Your Personal Style Competitive Edge?

Are You Someone Who Has Lost Your Competitive Edge in the Way You Dress?

Recently I was having a phone conversation with an attendee from a recent workshop. I asked, "what prompted you to want to chat further?"

He said, "I feel I've lost my competitive edge with the way I dress."

Sometimes you get so comfortable in how you dress, you don't realize anything is wrong.

It could be your current job, the environment you're in, your weight or size that's possibly holding you back.

You stop shopping. Your style becomes stagnant.

The desire to show-up looking sharp doesn't matter anymore. You've told yourself, it's OK nobody really cares, it's my intellect that matters most.

Until, one day you see someone dressing differently. Your eye's perk up and realize WOW that person looks sharp!


So professional and polished.

Subconsciously you're wondering what that person does.

You're thinking I would really love to get to know that person.

Hmmm that person has it going on.

Your brain is going through a process that is called thin slicing according to Malcom Gladwell, author of the book Blink. You've just had a multitude of thoughts go through your mind in about 1/10 of a second.

That person made a great first impression and you're thinking I want what that person has.

You go home that night, look in your closet and realize you have a lot of clothes you're not wearing for one reason or another.

We all hold onto clothing for many different reasons. One being you spent good money on that suit or jacket and are having a hard time letting go of it. Or you're thinking I may have an opportunity to wear that jacket someday (which of coarse you may.)

What you may not realize is you're in a different place mentally. You're not the same person you were 5 or 10 years ago. It may be physically (you've lost or gained weight) but most of all you're in a renewed place mentally.

You are ready to elevate how you show up.

You're ready to take control of your personal style.

You're ready to get back that competitive edge you once had.

Style has come along way over the last 5-10 years especially for men. The selection in styles, colors, prints and silhouette has evolved and expanded.

If you want to stay current and relevant, I suggest shopping a minimum of once a season. (fall and spring)

Now that you've realized you need a change, the next step is eliminating pieces in your closet that are not working for you and add pieces that elevate the new you as well as make you feel like a million bucks! (Don't worry... I'm here to take you through that daunting process.)

Think of it as investing in yourself to become a better you. Let your expertise and talent be revealed through your dress.

Let your presence do the speaking.

It's a new season, a great time to look at your wardrobe with a fresh pair of eyes.

Is it time to gain back your competitive edge with how you dress so others can say, "WOW, that's a sharp person!"

If you said YES, let's chat. Book Your Style Strategy Conversation Here.