What Do You LOVE About Your Personal Style?

February, the month of LOVE! And Beyond.

Valentine’s Day can represent many things – a romantic dinner with your partner, celebrating with a gal pal or time with loved ones. Why can’t this continue past February?

Sometimes we neglect to notice what we LOVE about ourselves or at least recognize.

About 6 months ago I retook the DISC assessment. I was in a transformational coaching program at the time where our strengths were being discussed and how we were using them.

What actualized completely surprised me. I was in the 97% of I style (Influence). It revealed to me that I should be making stronger use of my communication and people skills. Utilizing my energy of inspiration, passion and wisdom in a more influential way. Letting my Fire shine brighter.

I became aware that I was moving a strength of mine to the rear vs the forefront.          

I thought, why am I doing that?

The first truth that came out; what will others think of me if I shine brighter? What I came to understand is that we as humans judge. That is just what we do. You’re judging my article as you are readying this and I am judging the next person on Facebook, lol. Good, bad, indifferent, it just doesn’t matter. We’re human beings and our brains can’t help but judge.

You may be thinking ONLY metals judge. Well maybe we Metals do have a little more tendency to judge. But I would guess that 99% of you out there worry about what others think also, am I right?

As we all go through the Fashion Feng Shui process of evaluating who am I and discovering our essence, I believe we can very much have a blind spot.

Why is it so darn hard to see what we LOVE about ourselves when various assessments and people point it out so blatantly?

With that being said, I proposed to my Definitive Style community an exercise.  To candidly observe what they LOVE in their wardrobe.  

So of course I needed to do the exercise myself. Again, I was actually surprised with the results.

I hope you’ll play the game with me. Take out a piece of paper and sketch out a tic-tac-toe board. In the middle square write: "What I Love"

  1. Step into your closet or jewelry box and choose 5-10 pieces that You LOVE.

  2. Set them out on a table and begin writing the qualities that you LOVE about them.

  3. Read the qualities out loud…do they resonate with you?

  4. If someone was to describe you with these words, would you feel flattered?

  5. Do you unequivocally say yes, that's me?

  6. Do any of words give you butterflies?

  7. Are you ready to shake hands with the words and own them?

  8. Are you ready to stretch a bit in 2019 and take on the butterfly words?

As you look at your words, do they fit into a nice box of your primary and influencing essence? Or are they outside the box more than you think?


What surprised me was how I described my favorite accessories, they were 50% Fire. The power was in writing the words down. I didn’t perceive myself as having that much Fire in my wardrobe and then realizing they were my favorite pieces.  I LOVE continuing to learn about myself while honoring my strengths. 


Fire, of course that’s part of me…my favorite color is fuchsia and I love pearls.  

What I do know is my navy sheath dress that fits me to a tee (metal) is my foundation and feels perfect for me but I love the luminosity and warmth of adding Fire.

The first step is becoming aware.

What are your blind spots?

What have others told you you’re really good at and you unconsciously ignore?

What words from the tic-tac-toe exercise made you think a new thought?

Whether your essence is Water, Wood, Fire, Earth or Metal there is nothing more powerful than showing up and radiating as the real you!  

Annette Bond is known for helping women “Elevate their Image."

She’s on a mission to help every day women who have put themselves at the bottom of the list when it comes to style. Your style is a representation of your personal essence - and it deserves to shine because it's a reflection of who you truly are. 

This newer, shinier version of you will pay dividends in business and in your personal relationships because of how you'll be showing up, your BEST self. 

Annette works with a client focused approach, she prides herself on “getting you.” The end result is instant gratification…Creating the perfect wardrobe for the real you.

You're put-together, polished and ready to step into the world with revitalized confidence.

Certified Image Consultant - AICI CIC

Certified Corporate Image Consultant

She is a certified color consultant who was personally trained by Leatrice Eiseman, known as the “international color guru”.

And also one of 30 women in the U.S. certified in Fashion Feng Shui.

Annette Believes:

Style begins with the woman, not the clothes.