What Does Style Have to Do with Strategy?

You may think of the word strategy as business related or the serious stuff in life.

We’re talking style, right? Yes.

For some, you identify with the word strategic, that’s how you operate best, and others may think it feels so masculine to combine it with personal style.

You may feel style is presumed to be fun, fashionable and personal, certainly not strategic.

Have you ever had an experience that you couldn't stop looking at the presenters clothing and wondering, "what were they thinking”?

I believe most businesswomen have a closet full of clothes they never wear because they don’t have a style strategy.   

A strategy is your approach.

If you want a wardrobe that is aligned with your personal brand, you need to be strategic.

If you want to get noticed in 7 seconds or less as a powerful woman, you need to be strategic.  

If you want others to listen to you as a thought leader, you need to be strategic.

Agreed, choosing clothes for the next level version of YOU can be....

·        overwhelming

·        lots of second guessing

·        wasted mental energy

Is it time to ‘try on’ and create your personal Style Strategy?

Are you ready to take this to a deeper level and truly understand what it looks like to have a Style Strategy?

You are invited to the upcoming Style Strategy and Confidence Masterclass on Wednesday, May 26th @ 1pm PST

Sign up: https://www.annettebond.com/masterclass