Investing In an IMAGE Consultant

Annette Bond, Personal Style Expert

Me: I’m really excited, I just bought a Peloton.

Response: “Nice! Wow, those are really expensive.”

We’ve all said it, or at least thought it when a good friend shares their excitement about something they’ve just bought or invested in.

Secretly you’re thinking, “I wish I could buy a Peloton.”

Is it affordability or is it worthiness?

I had a client bring this to my attention recently.

She shared; “Annette women need your help.”

  • They’re busy.

  • They can’t do it all.

  • They need help from a professional like yourself, on how to dress and represent their best self.

And you’re thinking, “Oh that’s ridiculous, I can dress myself.”

“Who am I kidding, I don’t need to pay someone to help me shop and style my outfits, I can do that myself.”

Truth, you don’t feel worthy of investing in a professional image consultant.

  • The guilt and shame of thinking you can’t dress yourself appropriately.

  • That’s not a good use of your money.

  • The truth is, you waste so much time trying to figure out where to shop.

  • Wasted mental energy trying to figure out what looks good on you since you’ve gained a few pounds and are getting older.

  • You’re winging it, you don’t have the time or talent to do it the way a professional would do it.

I get it, investing in yourself can be scary. “You’re asking yourself, are you worth it?”

Come on’ we women were born to shop. Wrong!

The hardest part, taking the first step to say YES to you.  Raising your deserve level.

After you make the commitment to invest in your image, the dominos begin to fall.

  • You realize the time you save by no longer needing to spend endless hours shopping.  

  • Money saved on shopping mistakes.

  • You feel this amazing peace and effortlessness when getting dressed every morning, you have the right pieces, the perfect colors, and styles for your body type.

  • The daily compliments that come your way.

  • And the ease you feel when packing for your next trip.

  • Everything mixes-and-matches. It’s now fun and easy vs. dread and painful.

Oh, and that expensive Peloton that I bought.

It has saved me hours upon hours of driving to the gym.

It gives me instant access to support my health and wellness.  

I have so much fun riding with the world class Peloton instructors.

Oh, and I’ve not paid that $150 gym membership every month for the last 4 years.

If you are tired of doing it alone and know that style and fashion are not your gifting and strength, and want some help. I’m here for you girlfriend.

With Your Definitive Style in Mind,


We can have a relaxed chat to see if working together is a good fit for you, and if so, you can get started right away!

Download FREE Style Catalog:Create 14 Polished Outfits with ONLY 7 Pieces of Clothing, instantly!